
Surprising Ways Your Feelings Impact Your Habits

How Your Feelings Impact Your Habits

Life can be tricky when it comes to habits and how our emotions affect them. For example, if you’re feeling blue, the last thing you probably want to do is get up and go for a run. But when those same feelings start to pass, that same urge might come back with a renewed sense of vigor!

The same goes for when you’re feeling energized and ready to take on the world; that enthusiasm can translate into positive actions like eating healthier meals or optimizing your workspace.

In short, not only does our mood have an impact on our habits – but our habits also influence our emotions in return!

In this way, it’s important to remember that no matter what type of habit we may be forming (or trying to break), it’s essential to pay attention to both our mental and physical state.

10 ways your feelings impact your habits

1. Positive feelings can motivate you to take on positive habits, like exercising and eating healthy meals.

2. Negative feelings can discourage you from taking part in activities that require more energy or motivation.

3. Your emotions can affect how consistent you are with your habits – if you’re feeling down, it might be harder to stick to a routine or find the motivation to complete tasks.

4. You might be more likely to form bad habits when feeling sad or anxious as a way to cope with unpleasant emotions.

5. High-energy moments can lead to productive and proactive behavior, such as tidying up your room or getting into the habit of learning something new every day.

6. If you’re feeling lethargic and unmotivated, it may take more effort and willpower to complete daily tasks (or break bad habits).

7. Looking for moments of joy throughout the day can help keep one motivated – listening to upbeat music while cleaning your house, for example!

8. Being aware of your mental state is key in recognizing how your feelings are influencing your actions at any given moment in time.

9. Taking regular breaks throughout the day is essential, not just for our physical health but also for our emotional well-being and ability to stay motivated towards the goals and habits we want to create/sustain over time!

10. Practicing self-care is essential when forming any habit – it’s important that we remember that no matter what type of habit we may be forming (or trying to break), it’s essential to pay attention to both our mental and physical state first before anything else!

How to have better habits?

If we’re feeling low in energy or motivation, taking care of ourselves first is key. This could mean treating yourself with a much-needed nap or adding some self-care activities into your day, like reading a good book or going for a walk.

It’s also important to understand that small moments of joy can make all the difference in helping your habits stick; doing something as simple as listening to upbeat music while cleaning your house might help you tackle even the toughest of tasks.

So when it comes down to it: always remember that how we feel matters just as much as what we do–and taking time out for yourself is essential in order for any habit-forming process (or breaking!) to actually take place.

How do emotions create habits?

Have you ever noticed how your feelings can have an impact on your daily habits? How our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can create a pattern of behavior that we repeat over and over again?

We may not realize it, but our habits are often shaped by the environment we grew up in. This blog post will explore how our feelings and beliefs shape our habits and how we can use this knowledge to work toward positive change.

The Power of Negative Feelings

Negative feelings like fear, anxiety, and anger can have a powerful influence on our habits. For example, if you grew up in a home where your parents always argued or money was always tight, you may develop a fear of relationships or money issues.

These negative feelings can lead us to act in ways that may not be beneficial for us in the long run. We may accept that certain situations are normal when they’re actually not helpful for us.

For example, if you have been surrounded by money issues from childhood, then this subject can make you fearful or angry whenever it comes up.

When this happens, it’s easy to fall into the habit of avoiding budgeting or saving because it seems too difficult or overwhelming. You may think, “I’ll never have enough money, so there’s no point,” without realizing that this is just a habit based on your negative feelings about money.

The Power of Positive Thinking

On the other hand, positive thoughts and feelings can also shape our habits in a positive way. If we focus on what we want instead of what we don’t want, we will find ourselves taking steps toward achieving those goals.

For example, focus on wanting to save more money each month instead of worrying about having enough money all the time. You will be more likely to take actionable steps towards achieving financial stability, such as budgeting and investing wisely.

Why follow through is so important with goal setting and achievement

A clear pattern emerges when you don’t follow through on your planned behavior. It’s called the No-Follow-Through Cycle.

Here’s what the No-Follow-Through Cycle looks like (feelings guiding habits):

  • You set a goal, intention, or resolution. (“I’m going to wake up on my first alarm.”).
  • An opportunity would arise to do said thing. (*The alarm goes off*).
  • In-the-moment you don’t feel like doing what you are supposed to do.
  • You don’t do it.
  • You feel frustrated about not changing your behavior. (And confusion about what to do differently.)
  • The cycle repeats.

This is because of the behavior-feelings misunderstanding.  You have to understand how thoughts, feelings, and behavior work together.

Feelings Follow Behavior

Feelings follow behavior.  This means that instead of waiting to feel a certain way before acting, you can act as a way of creating that feeling for your future self.

Your behavior has a direct impact on your feelings. When you do something, you feel different for having done it.

  • So instead of framing it as Thought —> Feeling —> Behavior
  • A more effective framing is Thought —> Behavior —> Feeling!
  • First, you have a thought that you want to do something.
  • Then, you act on that intention.
  • And that leads to you feeling a certain way.
  • Simply taking action CREATES the feeling you thought you needed to act in the first place.
  • This is true for anything worth doing:
  • I might not FEEL like meditating, but after sitting for 20 minutes, I’m more grounded and clear-headed
  • I might not FEEL like getting a tough workout in, but I’m more energized and powerful after doing so
  • I might not FEEL like writing, but I am enriched and satisfied after going through the creative process
  • I might not FEEL like waking up early my alarm goes off, but I feel great about seizing the day after doing so
  • I might not FEEL like taking a proactive break from work, but I’m always fresher and more effective afterward

Our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs play an important role in shaping our daily habits – both positively and negatively. It is important to recognize how these factors affect our behavior so that we can make conscious choices about which habits to keep and which ones should be changed.

By being aware of how our feelings impact our habits, we can work towards making positive changes that will lead us toward success!

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